5 Ways to Remain Goal Focused through the Holidays!

(As seen on Clinical Sports Labs at clinicalsportslabs.com)

Athlete  with bottle of water after running workout outdoors

We are fast approaching that time of the year where New Year’s resolutions will be set. Am I moving too fast for you? Okay, ill slow it down a bit. . .

November is here and thanksgiving is just around the corner! The most festive times of the year where loved ones gather with family and friends and partake in the high carb, low exercise festivities. . . I mean, it’s true right? This is the time of year where goals usually receive a swift kick in the ass out the front door. But just because that’s the holiday “norm”, it doesn’t have to be you! Below are a few ways you can remain accountable and motivated to stick close to your plans in reaching your fitness goals even through the holidays!

  1. Re-write your game plan!

Chances are, you sat down a long time ago and wrote down your goals in a notebook or on a sticky note. That notebook is probably underneath books and papers that have accumulated over the months or that sticky note was maybe thrown away on accident; what I’m getting at is that the goals in your head have become clouded and may not be as clear to you as they once were. One way of re-introducing your goals back into your daily routine is to re-write them! Reacquaint yourself with your fitness goals and map out a plan of attack. This time, keep that paper pinned on your wall or somewhere you can see it daily. Never forget what it is you want and never stop working towards it!

  1. Cheat … Smart!

Yeah I said it, cheat. This pertains to you meat heads and fitness junkies out there! Competition prep can really hit you hard not only physically but mentally as well (you know). Allowing yourself to cheat is a healthy way to recharge you mentally and physically. Allow those extra carbs you consume through the holidays to fuel your workouts! Your brain will thank you for it as well for receiving the macro-nutrient it loves most! But be careful don’t allow your thanksgiving meal to drag you down. Cheat, but cheat smart. Enjoy thanksgiving and all the delicious, mouth watering carbs it provides but don’t let this cheat meal or day turn into a cheat week! Get on track and hit the gym the next day. That workout will be the best workout you’ve probably had in a long time.

  1. Short term reward for long term risk?

What I mean by this is when it comes to making decisions that may have a temporary reward ask yourself “Does this also have a long term reward?” Saying yes to a few sugar cookies a day can be your arch nemesis when the day comes that you have to check in with your coach around contest prep time. Yes have a cookie, but don’t over indulge! Think about the long term advantages and disadvantages of every move you make. Trust me, they count.

  1. Supplement your sweet tooth!

The holiday season is famous for its sweets! This is a perfect time to get creative with your supplements! With the help of Clinical Sports Labs’ delicious protein flavors you can come up with healthy, protein rich sweets that will help you steer clear of the devilish, high sugar desserts put in your path. I am a huge fan of blending Arctic Zero’s Cookie Shake ice cream with a scoop of Clinical Sports Labs’ vanilla ice cream protein and almond milk to make the most delicious milk shake on the planet! (My mouth is watering right now just thinking about it!) You can add protein to cookies, cakes, pancakes, oatmeal, and coffee to create something you can indulge in and leave the guilt behind!


  1. Don’t be hard on yourself

Look, we are all human. We all make mistakes and we all slip up. It happens. The point I want to drive home is that you shouldn’t hate yourself or be hard on yourself because you made the decision to eat cake. They don’t call it bulking season for nothing right? 😉 Your body is an amazing machine. It’s ability to adapt is profound. You can truly adjust, change, and manipulate your body in a way that you are happy with whenever you want. Yes, it may take some time to work off the cake you ate at your holiday party but the thing is that it’s not impossible. It’s not like that cake is permanently glued to your thighs or abdomen, although it may feel that way for some time. Don’t be hard yourself. Look at your goals and get right back on the horse.

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